Skew Control
Prevent Wear on Wheels and Improve Safety with Anti-Skew
Prevent Skew Control Issues: Ensure Smooth and Accurate Crane Operations
Skew control occurs in a crane system when the bridge does not remain perfectly perpendicular to the runway. This misalignment can lead to uneven and accelerated wear on the wheels and rails. As a result, the drive wheels may develop differing diameters, which can further exacerbate the skewing of the crane. Skew impairs the smooth operation of the bridge crane, making it more challenging to position the crane accurately during both manual and automatic operations.
Advanced Skew Control: Real-Time Monitoring and Correction for Optimal Crane Performance
Skew is measured using various sensors installed on the bridge. The PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) manages the bridge axis drives in both manual and automatic modes. While the crane is in motion, the PLC continuously monitors and adjusts the skew by varying the speed commands sent to the bridge motors, ensuring that perpendicularity is maintained. Skew will be monitored and corrected in real-time, and if excessive skew is detected, an alarm will be triggered to stop the crane.