Health and Safety
Health and Safety: We provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment.
Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility
O’Brien|Source and its Management team are committed to the health and safety of all its employees, contract workers, customers, and visitors through the prevention of occupational injury and illness in the workplace. We want everyone to feel like family and as such, your safety is our number one priority.
In fulfilling this commitment, we will provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment while in compliance with legislative requirements and industry practices. We will strive to eliminate any foreseeable hazards which may result in personal injuries or illness, security losses, fires, or damage to property. Our policies will be in alignment with our integrity and dedication to quality service.
O’Brien|Source will make every reasonable effort to provide suitable return-to-work opportunities for every employee who is unable to perform their regular duties following a work-related injury or illness.
Accidental loss can be controlled through good management combined with active employee involvement. Loss prevention is the direct responsibility of all managers, supervisors, and employees alike. All management functions will comply with the loss prevention requirements of O’Brien|Source.
All employees will receive training on their job functions, including how to perform their job safely and in accordance with legislative requirements.
We value strong leadership, both in our industry and within our management team. Managers are accountable for the health and safety of all employees under their supervision. Managers are responsible for ensuring that all machinery and equipment are in proper working order and that all employees required to use the equipment are trained to do so.
Employees, contractors, customers, and visitors must comply with all health and safety policies and practices and are required to report any incidents, injuries, or damage to property immediately.
We are dedicated to the continual improvement of our health and safety program and will authorize the necessary actions to achieve this objective. It is in the best interest of all parties to consider health and safety in every activity. Commitment to health and safety is integral to the success of O’Brien|Source.